Directed by Adrian Cores & Aia Kruse

The Grassy store on Gran Vía 1 has always been sought after by film directors and numerous movie scenes have been filmed there. This time, Grassy commissions a fiction short film to Adrian Cores del Río, a director of photography. The aim is to highlight the Museum of Antique Clocks, to showcase the cinematographic qualities of the spaces inhabited by the incredible timepieces. Adrian envisions a short film with a cinematic texture, shot on 35 millimeters, in an old-fashioned way and with the lenses used back then... Impossible to improve the quality. The goal is to reflect a magical place in the center of a big city. The screenwriters, Adrian Cores, Aia Kruse, and Max Medrano, think of Alice in Wonderland.

Alice, a young French woman newly arrived in Madrid, accompanies her hurried aunt Anne to the Grassy jewelry store; while Anne is busy in the shop, Alice goes down to visit the Museum. And that's where time stops, when Patricia, who appears and disappears like the cat in the story, explains to Alice the peculiarities of some clocks. Alice gets trapped outside of time, until Anne, always in a rush, like the rabbit in the story, breaks the spell and continues on their way through the city streets.

The city is Madrid, the place is the Museum of Antique Clocks at Grassy, the protagonists are two French women, but time and watchmaking, their way of measuring it, are universal. And the result is a short film about time standing still while the hands of a bunch of clocks continue to mark their inexorable passage.



El secreto que esconde la joyería Grassy: 70 años del Museo del Reloj Antiguo - VANITY FAIR



La joya más valiosa y desconocida de Madrid: el imponente Museo del Reloj Antiguo de Grassy - MUJER HOY