Directed by Alejo Restrepo

Featuring Isabel Villanueva, viola

In a desert, a blond woman, a dog and a voice that declaims in Mandarin. Space-time is uncertain, the alternation between static and dynamic phases intersect with a car trip; A brunette woman quotes Sun-Tzu, evocation in the form of a homodegetic retrospective. Is love only possible without war?

Memory, inseparable from remembrance, takes us to the peaks of a stormy relationship, that of these two women whom everything seems to oppose, carried away by loving passion. The anachronistic eruption of a music anouncing modernity in classical music, reinforces the feeling of multiplicity that emerges from the different story forms. A 16mm respectful reappropriation of classic Far West cinema references, with a hint of tribute, magnified by the spellbinding lyricism of Isabel Villanueva's violin.

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In coproduction with Niusic Management

Director: Alejo Restrepo

Music (Viola): Isabel Villanueva

Romance Oubliée de Liszt

Suite pour alto de Hindemith

Suite pour alto seul de Max Reger

Edition: Fazeta Producciones

Color: El Colorado

Sound Design: Fran Salas