
Within Alban Berg’s Lyric Suite lies an impossible love story, written secretly between the notes of a musical masterpiece. By using this story and merging the early 20th-century music with contemporary imagery, we attempt to create an interpretation of the music that fits the cultural codes of today’s society, where music is almost never without images. Creating this strong connection between music and visual imagination — while leaving the music untouched — hopefully evokes a deeper understanding of what this specific music is about, but hopefully also inspires people to use their imagination and search for stories whenever they hear music.

Music, Poetry, Dance, Architecture … All these disciplines were combined in order to create Suite Lyrique – our reinterpretation of Alban Berg’s masterpiece. Each element of the story, locations and aesthetic codes fit a purpose : to cherish Berg’s guidelines and their contemporaneity in order to craft a respectful present-day visual version of the music.


Live World Premiere (Concert + Projection) - January 25th 2020 - Amsterdam - Critique from NRC (NETHERLANDS) :

"... a project like Lyric Suite shows that the festival wants to be more than a museum of old masterpieces. Together with audiovisual production collective Bleu Danube, the Catalan Quartet Gerhard made an "arthouse video clip" for Alban Berg's eponymous work. You could call the result a labyrinthine thriller that closely matches the expressionist undertones of Berg's score. With a leading role that stands in the middle between Walking Dead zombie and twisted Schiele portrait."

Movement 2/6 - ANDANTE AMOROSO

